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19 December 2017

Grant's story


Nineteen years ago today, Grant from Aberdeen was involved a serious car accident. Thanks to blood donors, he got a second chance at life.

"I was only 19 years old when I was seriously injured in a car accident on 19th  December 1998. The car skidded off the road and I was left with several life threatening injuries including a broken pelvis and femur, burst spleen, ruptured diaphragm and a punctured lung.

"I was rushed to hospital and needed 26 units of blood in order to stablise my condition and get the bleeding under control. I stayed in hospital for weeks and had to learn to walk again.

Grant and daughters Callie and Masyn wearing hats and gloves up for a cold day in town
Grant and daughters Callie and Masyn

"Blood donors are very special people - they give the gift that money can’t buy. Thanks to them, I got a second chance at life. I finished my joinery apprenticeship, got married on 19th December 2010 and welcomed my two beautiful daughters into the world.

Grant and his friend wear Give Blood t-shirts at the beginning of the West Highland Way
Grant and pal walk the West Highland Way to raise awareness of blood donation.

"You could have the best surgeons in the world working on saving someone’s life, but if it wasn’t for the blood donors then it would be game-over for a lot more people, myself included. December is a busy time for everyone but there are always people in hospital who need blood donors every single minute."

Huge thanks to Grant for sharing his story with us. We hope you and all the family have a great Christmas.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types