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11 December 2017

Jodie's story


Jodie from Broughty Ferry recently received blood after the birth of her baby girl Maybel and would like to thank blood donors for making it possible.

"Around nine weeks ago I was due my baby girl. I ended up one week overdue and my waters broke during a sweep. The following day I was taken into hospital and induced. I was soon in labour and fully dilated by 6am the following morning. I reached 10.30am and although baby was low, pushing was futile and I was exhausted. I was told I needed a forceps delivery with the possibility of it being an emergency caesarean. I was taken straight to theatre, forceps were successful and my baby girl, Maybel Anais Small was born on the 11th Oct at 11.18am.

Jodie at home cuddling newborn Maybel
Jodie and Maybel

"We were delighted. Maybel lay on my chest, my husband cut the cord and took her in his arms. Seconds later alarms rang in theatre. The atmosphere changed to one of panic and my husband was asked to leave immediately with our newborn. My husband recalls that I had turned blue and could see a huge blood loss as he left theatre. Unfortunately I had haemorrhaged and over the next hour and a half in theatre had lost three litres of blood (45%).

Without blood donors I don’t think I would be here, healthy and lucky enough to be raising a beautiful baby girl. I cannot thank you enough Jodie

"I received a transfusion in theatre that day and was extremely lucky that staff were fast acting. The following few days are a blur, fainting when attempting to get out of bed I was too weak to do anything never mind look after my baby. I then had to have a second transfusion as my bloods had dropped to 66 and I was seriously ill. A third transfusion had to be given three days after the birth as I fainted for a second time and struggled to stand or move independently due to dizziness and feeling light headed due to blood loss. In total I was in hospital for one week and did not have the best start to motherhood. But without blood donors I wouldn’t have had any start to motherhood.

Baby Maybel on a fluffy rug aged six weeks
Baby Maybel has a six week celebration

"The transfusions I received saved my life and allowed me to recover from this ordeal. I can’t thank donors enough for the selfless act of blood donation that changes the life of so many, including myself. This event has highlighted the importance of donation and the impact it makes. It’s never been truer that you never know when it’s going to be you or a loved one in need so blood donation is essential to save lives. Since the birth friends and family have vowed to donate blood at the next opportunity and make it a regular event. Blood donors are invaluable and without you I don’t think I would be here, healthy and lucky enough to be raising a beautiful baby girl. I cannot thank you enough."

Thank you Jodie, Maybel and family for sharing your story with us this December. We hope Maybel has a lovely first Christmas and a happy new year.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types