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21 December 2017

Lizzie and Jordan's story


Lizzie's son Jordan was transfused with a huge amount of blood and blood products after he was stabbed in an unprovoked attack. Lizzie, from Kirkliston, shares why she is thankful that blood donors allowed her a little more time with her son.

"12th July 2014 was a normal Saturday night when our healthy fit 20 year old son Jordan left to have a night out with his friend and their girlfriends. We said, "Bye, watch how you go, see you tomorrow pal," as we always did as he left.

Jordan, a teenager, smiles at the camera
My son was transfused with 283 units during his fight for life. Lizzie

"Our doorbell rang in the early hours of the Sunday morning and the police stood at our front door. We were suddenly being told our Jord had been stabbed on his way home from the night out and had been taken to Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh - could we come with them to the hospital? A totally unprovoked attack we later found out, in the wrong place at the wrong time we were told.

"For several hours after we arrived at the hospital we were unable to see Jordan while the medical team fought to save our Jord. We were able to see Jordan for a few minutes on a few occasions throughout that day and into the evening whenever the team were able to have us in with them. When we were unable to be with Jordan, we spent the time with close family in a family room waiting for any glimmer of hope any change in Jordan's life threatening condition. We were updated almost every thirty minutes while the team fought for our boy. While they tried to stop the bleeding, our Jord was transfused with 283 units of blood and blood products. Our Jord fought and clung on until the bitter end until his heart stopped at 21:29hrs that Sunday evening.

Lizzie stands with three members of Jordan's family (two young women and an older man, all wearing Give Blood t-shirts) in the living room. There is a portrait of Jordan on the wall.
Lizzie and Jordan's family raise awareness for blood donation

"Although our Jord lost his fight for life we would like to thank the blood and platelet donors who made his treatment possible. This experience has taught us that life can change in an instant and that we shouldn’t only rely on ‘other people’ to give blood.  At Jordan’s funeral we suggested that people give blood donations instead of monetary donations. This has meant many people have become blood donors in Jordan’s name – a very important legacy for our boy."

SNBTS would like to thank Lizzie and all of Jordan’s family and friends for encouraging others to #GiveBlood. Much love and best wishes to you all. 

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types