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01 December 2017

Louise and Jim's story


The 9th December 2011 was an entirely normal day for Louise until her mum phoned to say her dad, Jim, had collapsed at home.

Louise continues, "My Dad was rushed straight to Glasgow Royal Infirmary and we followed him there.

"Seven hours later, which were the longest I've ever sat though, we were taken to the recovery room to see him. It turned out that he had massive internal bleeding from his liver. Unknown to us, he had liver cancer and one of the tumours had burst. Dad got admitted to the ICU. Over the next two days he got another 2 emergency operations to stop the bleeding. At my last count he needed 28 pints of blood, platelets and clotting agents. 3 weeks in ICU, 2 of which he was in a coma, another 2 in a general ward and after learning how to walk again he was ready to come home.

Jim, in his kilt, walks arm and arm with Louise, in her wedding dress. She is going to get married.
Jim walking Louise up the aisle
Thanks to blood donors, my Dad walked me up the aisle Louise

"Amazingly, on 15th September 2012, my dear Dad walked me down the aisle to marry my lovely husband Gary. This was a hugely poignant moment. I love my Dad with all my heart, and without blood donors his treatment, and being part of my wedding day, simply would not have been possible. I hope blood donors look at these special pictures and realise what a truly precious gift you gave me, my Dad and our family.

Louise grins at the camera, wearing her wedding dress, while Dad Jim grins at her.
Louise and Jim on her wedding day

"Unfortunately dad passed away late September 2013 due to cancer but blood donations saved his life. He needed 28 pints in one night plus more during his hospital stay as a result he managed to walk me down the aisle, I know one pint can save a life but I think the fact he needed so much so quickly shows how important it is to have your stock levels high

"I've been a regular blood donor since I was 18 and never knew anyone that needed it. After seeing first hand the difference it makes I will always give blood. We will never meet the blood donors but you will forever be in our hearts. Have a very Merry Christmas, and please continue to give blood in the coming days and weeks to help other families like ours."

Thank you Louise and family for sharing their story and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

  • Find out where you can give blood this month by looking up our session searcher

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types