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15 December 2017

Malky's story


"I give blood because without donations my husband would not be here today. Plain and simple" - Carol explains why she's a blood donor.

"In May 2015 my husband Malky had emergency surgery for a toxic megacolon, which can be a major complication from ulcerative colitis. He needed blood during the op, but his condition continued to deteriorate and he developed peritonitis, septicaemia and other infections that led to more surgery. Malky received countless units of blood.

Malky and his partner Carol hug
Malky and Carol

"In March 2016 he returned to hospital to have reconstructive surgery on his abdomen as the surgery had left him with a large wound. The op went well and he was home within two weeks. However within 48 hours he was blue-lighted back to A&E as he had an infection that had caused the mesh that was holding him together to disintegrate. This cut his lower bowel into pieces causing him to haemorrhage. Lots more blood and plasma were required to get him ready for another operation. It was a long night and I will never forget the dedication of those nurses, doctors and surgeons putting up bag after bag of blood to keep my husband alive.

He needed blood during the op, but his condition continued to deteriorate and he developed peritonitis, septicaemia and other infections that led to more surgery. Malky received countless units of blood. Carol

"Thankfully things stabilised, but Malky was left with fistulas until he was well enough to get more surgery. It would be a long haul including spells of nil by mouth, Hickman lines, and intravenous feeding to give his guts a rest. Round that off with more infections, more blood transfusions. It just seemed like the cycle would never end. 

"In October last year the reconstruction op was finally done and it was a success. Malky was home within a few weeks and slowly building himself back up.

"Since all this kicked off, I have made sure I giveas much as I can. I was happy to take it to save my husband’s life and if I can help ease other families’ stress just a wee bit, I feel it's the least I can do."

Huge thanks to Carol and Malky for sharing their story. We hope you have a great Christmas.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types