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19 July 2019

A donor's legacy


Staff at DSM Nutrition are giving blood in memory of a much loved colleague.

A committed blood donor with 101 donations to his credit, William Boyd passed away suddenly in July 2018, while on holiday in Florida.  His family asked that instead of buying flowers, friends and relatives give a pint of blood in his memory.

Colleagues Kay and Christine smile for photo while wearing Give Blood stickers.
Occupational Health Nurse Kay Coleman, and Christine Johnstone from DSM who have been instrumental in helping staff give blood.

William’s goal was to reach 125 donations, so his friends are determined to make up the difference in his honour.

Six have already given blood at local sessions in Kilbirnie and many more plan to come to sessions in Beith and Dalry.

Kay stands smiling while shaking the hand of Craig, a new donor.
Craig Anderson, pictured giving his first donation.

We think this is a wonderful tribute to a man who was so willing to help others.

Good luck and thank you to William’s family and friends.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types