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05 June 2020

Like mother, like daughter


Debra Douglas and her daughter Chloe love to give blood together and recently donated at the Marryat Hall in City Square, Dundee.

Mum Debra is almost completely blind and Chloe is happy to help guide her when attending sessions.

Debra said 'We normally donate at Ninewells but its absolutely no problem donating here. We normally give blood together and there were no issues with accessibility at Marryat Hall'. 

'I know some people might be scared but there’s nothing to be nervous about. The staff are so friendly and they really put your mind at ease'.

There’s nothing to be nervous about. The staff are so friendly and they really put your mind at ease. Debra Douglas

While attending Marryat Hall, Debra made her tenth donation and was delighted to receive her bronze award.

As for the best bit about giving blood? Debra and Chloe both agreed, 'It has to be the biscuits at the end'. 

Thanks for making your donations ladies and we hoped you enjoyed your biscuits.

Debra and daughter Chloe enjoying their biscuit after donating.

Please make an extra special effort to give blood over the coming days, weeks and months. If you are fit and well and have not been impacted by Covid-19, it's important you come forward to donate. 

  • Read more about donor selection criteria for Coronavirus (Covid-19)
  • To book your appointment to give blood, please call 0345 90 90 999.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types