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13 December 2018

Dingly's Motorcycle Club Santa Run


Dingly's Motorcycle Club undertook their festive-themed Blood Run last week, to the delight of those they zipped past.

The group of biking Santas made a day of it, first visiting the elderly residents of James Mackay House in Ravelston, then spreading Christmas cheer throughout the city streets as they rode towards Edinburgh Blood Donor Centre.

However, the story behind the Harley riders regular donations is bittersweet.

Dingly’s blood runs began in 2013 with the motto, 'You never know when you might need it - we're bikers after all.'

Members of Dingly's Motorcycle Club stand outside Edinburgh Blood Donor Centre wearing Santa Claus outfits.
Dingly's Motorcycle Club Santa Run 2018

Unfortunately, within a year their visits took on a new significance when the driving force behind the visits, Stevie Collins, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Stevie’s attitude was always very positive and open - even after the initial shock of the diagnosis he wanted to make people, especially men, aware of this terrible disease. He encouraged other members of his biker team to get checked out. His actions saved more than one life.

Sadly, Stevie lost his battle with cancer in December 2014, having received multiple blood transfusions throughout his short treatment. Remembering the difference these donations made to Stevie's life (and the fact that he was such a proud blood donor himself) continues to fuels his friends' resolve to give blood, and to encourage others to join them.

The Scottish Blood Transfusion Service are grateful to Dingly's for continuing Stevie's legacy and for all their valuable donations over the years. They certainly brought a smile to many faces last week - fifteen bikers in red robes and Santa hats were an awesome sight to behold.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types