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13 November 2017

Glasgow Blood Donor Awards 2017


Last week, the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and Glasgow City Chambers had the pleasure of honouring 138 donors at the Glasgow Blood Donor Awards.

Held annually in the Glasgow City Chambers, the Glasgow Blood Donor Awards recognise the contributions of donors who have made 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500+ donations. Every blood and platelet donor in the West of Scotland who has reached one of these landmark donations during the past year is invited to attend the ceremony, which is hosted by the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service in partnership with the Scottish Blood Donor Association.

Guest speaker

We were delighted to welcome Dr Noreen Siddiqui to the ceremony as our guest speaker. In 2011, Noreen's daughter Ayesha, who was 7 years old at the time, was diagnosed with leukaemia and her parents were told she’d need a stem cell transplant. Ayesha waited four years for a donor match for her transplant and during this time, she received several blood transfusions. 

During her long wait, Noreen and her family campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness of bone marrow donation. They also raised more than £200,000 for the Anthony Nolan charity and the Schiehallion ward at Glasgow’s former Yorkhill Hospital.

Dr Noreen Siddiqui, guest speaker

Blood Donor Stories

Here are just a few of the stories from our award level donors

June Plummer with Baillie Josephine Docherty

June is a biomedical scientist and works in the hospital blood bank at Forth Valley. She issues blood every single day and said “I give out more units of blood on a monthly basis than I have given in my lifetime, I never forget how necessary and worthy all our blood donors are.”


John Mackie with Baillie Josephine Docherty

John Mackie knows more than most about the time that blood transfusions can give to patients and their families. He started donating when his son was diagnosed with a brain tumour.  He survived for 5 years and John is grateful to all the donors who helped his son and allowed John to spend more time with him.


Jennifer Taylor and Baillie Josephine Docherty

As a District Nurse Jennifer has seen patients return to home after a blood transfusion with a completely new lease of life, but the reality was really brought home to her in January when her own two year old granddaughter Jessica was diagnosed with leukaemia.  Jessica received numerous transfusions.  Jennifer says she will never know if her blood was used to help Jessica, but she does know that somebody out there took the time to donate.


Philip Tait and Baillie Josephine Docherty

Philip attended a previous award ceremony and was so inspired by the speaker that day who told the story of his wife needing a blood transfusion during child birth that he continues to donate in their honour. "I have heard that a teaspoon of blood is enough to save a baby’s life. This donation is more precious than all the gold in the world to the proud parents taking their baby home. That special day every parent remembers. I have twice had that pleasure. 

To the past, present and future donors, I would wish them and their recipients a long, healthy and happy life."


Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types