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12 August 2022

Male AB blood donors wanted!


The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service is asking male AB donors to make a special effort to give blood in the next few weeks, to help produce a range of lifesaving blood products.

These products - Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and Cryoprecipitate (Cryo) - are vital for people who need heart bypass surgery, liver transplants, or have had major blood loss. Whole blood donations are split into these separate parts, and made available to help patients when they need it most. For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions below – these have also been added to the publications section for reference.

If you can give blood and are in good health, please help us by giving blood as soon as possible.

  • Contact us on 0345 90 90 999, or email us on if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.

Who do we want to speak to?

We’re particularly looking for :

  • male blood donors
  • who are group AB
  • and are able to give blood within the next few weeks


The components we make from blood donations are very important, and help patients who may have complex clinical needs.

Currently, we need to increase stocks of two components called Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and Cryoprecipitate (Cryo). Blood groups A and AB are the very best type to make this component, so we are asking you to make an extra special effort to give blood.

What are Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and Cryoprecipitate (Cryo)?

Once you have given blood, we take your donation to one of our processing and testing laboratories. Here your donation is split into three separate parts – red cells, platelets and plasma.

We can use plasma to make FFP and Cryo, which contain vital proteins called clotting factors that help control bleeding.

Patients who need heart bypass surgery, liver transplants or who have had major blood loss can be treated with FFP and Cryo.

Why do you need more if bloodstocks show stocks of these blood groups are high?

We have the potential to make different component types from each blood donation - red cells, plasma and platelets. Our stocks of most red cells are currently healthy but group AB FFP and Cryo stocks are low. We will make FFP and Cryo from your donation. Your donation will be utilised to its best potential to meet the need of the patients in Scotland. 

Why are we specifically looking for AB blood donors?

There are eight different blood types, but not every blood group can help every patient.

We can make FFP and Cryo from all blood groups but A pos, A neg, AB pos and AB neg blood groups are the best blood type for these components. We can use A and AB plasma in emergency situations.

Why do you need this from males only?

Female donor plasma may contain proteins that are formed during pregnancy. These proteins can cause reactions in some patients who receive FFP or Cryo. This plasma cannot be used for FFP and Cryo.

Can female blood go to make these special components?

Female blood donations cannot be used to produce FFP or Cryo, but they can be used for other special components, eg red cells and platelets for adult and paediatric use.

I understand what my plasma will be used for, but what will happen to my red cells?

Your red cells will be used to make red cell concentrates that can be used to replace heavy blood loss due to an accident, surgery or childbirth.

What do you need us to do?

If you can give blood and are in good health, please help us by giving blood as soon as possible. 

  • Contact us on 0345 90 90 999, or email us on if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types