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16 December 2016

Say hello again to Ridley!


This time last year, 18 month old Ridley was receiving a transfusion, while waiting for the real Santa to arrive in a bigger suit and boots.

Ridley, when we first met him twelve months ago.

One year on, Ridley is a happy two year old but is still regularly receiving transfusion due to a condition called Hereditary Spherocytosis. This means his blood cells are sphere shaped instead of the normal disc shape. His spleen destroys the cells, thinking they are faulty, and this causes his blood count to drop to a level that needs blood transfusions.


Ridley, in his rainbow jumper, with Mum and Dad, his twin Yannick, and little brother Thorin.

Ridley had his first blood transfusion at 10 days old and has been receiving them on a regular basis ever since. He’s been a little star throughout all his treatments and in July he was fitted with a Portacath (an access device inserted into a vein). This will make things easier for him when receiving transfusions and blood tests.

I really can’t thank blood donors enough. We owe everything to them. Emily

The condition has a 50/50 chance of being inherited, and although his twin Yannick doesn’t have the condition, his little brother Thorin does. Mum Emily said, “We’re all doing well. Yannick is still in perfect health, and Thorin hasn’t needed any more blood transfusions. His blood count is generally good.

“Ridley is still transfusion dependent and has now had 17 blood transfusions, but is still a happy wee boy. I really can’t thank blood donors enough. We owe everything to them and wish we could thank them all personally.”

This year, you can give someone like Ridley an amazing Christmas present.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types