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26 October 2016

Thanks to the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society and supporters


The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) would like to thank everyone supporting the current Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) blood donation campaign.

The Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign encourages Muslims and people of all communities in Scotland to give blood during the holy month of Muharram – the Islamic New Year. SABS organise annual blood donation events in Edinburgh and cooperate with others throughout Scotland, throughout the year.

About the Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign

Set up in January 2006, the Imam Hussain Blood Donation Campaign is currently the largest national campaign in the UK to specifically focus on increasing the number of donors from the Muslim community, and those of other communities. In Scotland, the campaign has generated over 1,000 donations so far. As each donation can be split into three separate parts (red cells, platelets and plasma), this means up to 3,000 lives have been saved or improved in Scotland.

This Wednesday, a wide variety of community representatives attended an event at Edinburgh Donor centre to show their support of the campaign and blood donation.  These representatives included: 

  • Depute Lord Provost for Edinburgh, Councillor Steve Cardownie
  • His Eminence Archbishop Leo Cushley, Scottish Roman Catholic Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh
  • Rt Revd Dr John Armes, Bishop of Edinburgh, Scottish Episcopal Church
  • Rev Mitchell Bunting, National Synod of Scotland, United Reformed Church
  • Ann Edwards, Assistant Director of Public affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Scotland
  • Rev'd Andrew Letby, Superintendent Minister, Methodist Church Edinburgh
  • Lt Col Natt J Haden, Redford Barracks
  • Andrew Donaldson, Warrant Officer Class 2, Redford Barracks
  • Councillor Gavin Barrie
  • Dr Gauri, Director, Art of Living
  • Iain Stewart, General Secretary, Edinburgh Interfaith Association
  • Superintendent Leslie Clark, Police Scotland
  • Inspector David Happs, Preventions, Interventions and Partnerships, Police Scotland
  • Patrick Hunter, Scottish Ambulance Service
  • Dr Ali Mehdi, Imamia Medics International (Europe Coordinator)
  • Tom Halpin, Chief Executive, Sacro National Office
  • Ernesto Esposito, Patron of Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society

A huge thank you to all.

  • To sign up as a blood donor, call us on 0345 90 90 999 or fill out our online form.
Blood donors from Edinburgh University Muslim Society supporting the campaign.

Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types