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28 February 2017

Young blogger encourages blood donation


A talented young Scottish blogger shares her thoughts on becoming a blood donor and why more young people should consider doing it. We were delighted to read her first-hand account of what motivated her to give blood and how easy it was to do.

For any of you that may be worried or apprehensive about the entire experience, I can tell you that this comes from a girl terrified of needles. The whole procedure is extremely straight-forward and friendly. Caitlin Lamont

Young people from across Scotland are invited to write for the Children's and Young People's Commission Scotland (CYPCS) on a regular basis. We were thrilled that young blogger Caitlin Lamont had chosen blood donation as a topic to write about.

Her blog entitled "Fresh Blood" walks the reader through her thoughts on the subject of blood donation and shares her experience of being a first-time donor. 

CYCPS Blogger, Caitlin Lamont
There's so many young people I've heard say that they'll do it when they’re older that they haven't even considered the idea. With the constant need for blood donors, I don't see why it has to be 'tomorrow', and not 'today'. Caitlin Lamont

She recently became a donor and mentions " From my perspective, I’ve only ever seen or heard of the minority of young, eligible people actually going to give blood. Perhaps it never really crosses our minds, or we’ve simply put it off saying “Of course I will! But later…”.

Caitlin has a strong belief that if you can donate, you should consider donating blood. She is passionate about the social responsibility element of volunteering to donate, stating "No matter who you are, it's never too late to make a difference."  

" I understand that for some reason or another many people can't actually give blood, but I've always thought unless you definitely know you're unable then you should keep an open mind and seriously take it into consideration. There's so many young people I've heard say that they'll do it when they’re older that they haven't even considered the idea. With the constant need for blood donors, I don't see why it has to be 'tomorrow', and not 'today'.


Read the full blog here.


A fantastic read and well done to Caitlin for highlighting this for the young people of Scotland.


Current blood stock levels across Scotland Sunday 06 October

We aim to retain 6 days of stocks at any time in order to meet the requirements of patients in Scotland.

Learn more about blood types